Introduction Legacy admissions—the practice of giving preferential treatment to applicants who are children or relatives of alumni—has been a long-standing tradition in many American colleges. However, amidst growing concerns over fairness and equity in higher education, several institutions are rethinking
Free speech and academic freedom have become intensely debated issues on college and university campuses in recent years. As institutions grapple with demands for inclusivity, protecting students, and ideological diversity, conflicts have arisen over controversial speakers, classroom content, and limits
Revolutionizing Education for All Introduction In a groundbreaking move that has sent ripples of excitement through the education world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has taken a giant leap towards democratizing education with its OpenCourseWare (OCW) Initiative. This visionary
The Ivy League has faced criticism in recent years over unfair admissions practices and scandals involving wealthy parents buying their children’s way into elite colleges. In response, Ivy League institutions are modifying their admissions processes to increase equity and transparency.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced colleges across the nation to abruptly shift to remote learning in spring 2020. While this was a challenge for all institutions, elite colleges faced unique issues adapting their high-touch educational models to virtual environments. As the
Introduction It’s been said that the best investment you can make is in yourself. When it comes to higher education, this often means a substantial financial commitment. Recognizing the burdensome cost of a college degree, many top liberal arts colleges